Embedding Storyline Content into Rise

Nov 10, 2016

Is this or will this be possible at some point??

That alone would increase the value tremendously for me.

I need the capabilities of storyline, along with the light weight and responsiveness of rise.


78 Replies
Sean McGlade

Hi Ashley-- to respond to your question to Michael, my team would love to add to Rise the custom interactions and functionality that relies on use of timing/layers, etc... we do some really complex work with SL, and would love to be able to integrate the two products. For instance, we'll often make our videos interactive (and use branching) and create games...would love to be able to integrate these via blocks or even as a lesson type in Rise. We love the structure and UI Rise provides, but do find ourselves limited in terms of how creative we can be. Integrating the two products would be ideal. 

Catherine Austin

So I have been playing with this, this afternoon. :) I am sure I am missing something somewhere. So please tell me if you see gaps it in my thinking process. I am using Rise, because it helps me to develop content faster and looks good, but I don't like that don't have the freedom of as many interactions as I do in Storyline. So I have created the bulk of my "information" in Rise, and since I don't really need to keep track of who finished that section except that they finished it, I am keeping it in Rise, and then adding a link from that Rise to my Storyline course as a web object. I am thinking I'll create three Rise courses and have three sections in my Storyline file. This will allow me to keep track of the interactions that I want reported created in Storyline that will be created after each "Rise" slide. I am hoping this will speed up my development time. Does anyone see this being an issue? 

Cory Warshawsky

Figured out how to get the embed code to work and where/how to store the .story files. 

Ran into a small hiccup though. The embedded quiz (from quiz maker) is not fully visible and requires the learner to scroll left/right/up/down. Is this an issue you had to overcome. Which dimensions did you use to prevent that? 

<iframe src = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mfrm-learning-development/Course+Files/Gen+Learning+Styles/quiz_html5.html" width="980" height="658"></iframe>


Zsolt Olah


I saw your second post below that you switched Storyline - Rise embedding by adding a webobject of Rise within Storyline. I guess you don't need this answer now but what how I embedded a Storyline course within Rise is that in the actual course, I just used a shortcut in the text: _zomagix:loadinfo. It could be anything but it should be a unique name. Then I published the Rise course. Added jQuery, my supporting JavaScript file (zsolt.js) and simply replaced the shortcut above with the code that embeds the storyline file (you'll see two instances because it happens either when the page loads initially OR when you click on the menu and change the page, they are two different events)

$( document ).ready(function() {

// When site loads, it searches for the following shortut: _zomagix:loadinfo and replaces it with an embedded site.
// The site is a subdirectory called hero.
// Arguments passed: shortcut, site URL, height size (in pixel), width size (in pixel or %), yes/no whether you want scrolling




$(window).on('hashchange', function(e){

var hash = location.hash.replace( /^#/, '' );

if (hash.indexOf("/list/")>-1)
var lnum= location.hash.split("/list/");
var lesson = lnum[1].split("?")[0];

// We are in lesson. In case you need that info.



And here's the actual embedSite function:

function embedSite(shortcut,site,height,width,scrolling)
if (!scrolling)
scrolling = "no";

if (!width)
width = "100%";

if (!height)
height = "800";

zomagix(""+shortcut+"","<div><iframe src=\""+site+"\" height=\""+height+"\" width=\""+width+"\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\""+scrolling+"\"></iframe></div>");



Cory Warshawsky

Hey Alyssa, thank you for the reply. Unfortunately the test file my team was using has been replaced and I'm struggling to get a new one up, so my question will have to go without answer. It was a .story built using 360 Quiz Maker. Standard size, published for web.   : (

My tech team found a solution to my .story file loading with scroll bars, which was to "scaling player to fill browser window" using the player options. That seems to do the trick, but now if a user shrinks their browser window, the content gets really small.

I guess the root question is, when using an iframe within the "embed" feature of Rise, does the iframe window have any set pixel dimensions that content should stay within?

Alyssa Gomez

Hey Cory, 

That's a great question. We've got a possible issue on our radar where Rise doesn't display the full height of an embedded iframe object, meaning you'll see a scrollbar even if you've specified a large height. We're working through this, and I'll definitely let the team know about your experience with it. As soon as we have more information, I'll be sure to send you an update!

matt thorne

I've previously reported the same in a different thread and they acknowledged it's probably an issue. No matter the size parameters you pass in an iFrame code, Rise doesn't seem to honor them. If it wasn't for that, I'd already be hosting storyline scenes somewhere else and embedding them in Rise modules. 

Proper integration between the two will be a great feature. (so will fixing the iFrame issue ;-) )

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