Export content from Rise 360 to Rise.com

Apr 22, 2024

Is it still possible to export content from Rise 360 to Rise.com, as outlined in this article: https://access.articulate.com/support/article/Rise-360-How-to-Export-Your-Courses-to-Rise-com?_ga=2.174600420.753899174.1713826040-1045666610.1713820375

When I log into Rise 360, I no longer see the button available that's shown in the article. I understand that Rise.com is going away, but it's still what we're using right now, and I'm trying to make sure content we create doesn't disappear when Rise.com does by creating it in 360 first. If I can't send content from 360 to Rise.com...we'll have to figure out an alternative. 


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