Export to PDF

May 26, 2020

I recently exported a Rise course to PDF. Within the course there is an Attachment block with 5 attachments. The PDF retains the links which all work. The PDF will be uploaded to our LMS for over 30k users to access.

As users access the PDF from our LMS, the users will click the links for the attachments. The attachment links point to the rise course on the Articulate Content server. I'm assuming this is OK? There's no issue with the links pointing to the course on Rise 360?

I hope this makes sense. 

26 Replies
Continuous Improvement & Training

Has any progress been made on the accessibility of the PDF export? An option to export to plain text without images and interactions would be most helpful. Adobe accessibility checker continues to report hundreds of issues (alt text, headings, tables, reading order, etc) with the PDF export. The export produces a 60-200 page document which we then have to manually fix to make it somewhat accessible. I can't find anything on the accessibility journey about accessibility PDF export being worked on.