Exporting course after free trial expires?

May 05, 2022

Is there a way to export a course I created after my trial has expired? I created a course and exported it as a SCORM package so that I could import it into Canvas for my students. Now I wish I'd also exported it as web content so that I could include it in my portfolio. Is there any hope?

1 Reply
Christopher Santos

Hi Kelly,

The LMS package you have exported before should work if you want to upload it to your portfolio site.  Your site won't need the LMS script files, so they will be ignored.  But the general look and feel of the course will be retained.  And you will be able to navigate the whole course and have access to all blocks, similar to how it will behave if you use an exported web package.

However, if you do need to use a web package to upload your portfolio site, reach out to us here.  We'll check your account and get back to you as soon as possible.