Failure to pass quiz contributes to course progress

May 19, 2023

Dear community, I need your help to understand some processes in Rise.

In the export settings, I can track the progress of the course and mark it as complete when it reaches a certain level.

In the quizzes I can set the value with which they are passed.

Now I have noticed that the course progress is also increased if the quiz is taken but not passed.

My question: Have I set something wrong here or is this generally the case? Because basically then I wonder why I can set these settings for the mode "Tracking" at all.

For understanding: We often work with universities, in this context it has been relevant so far that quizzes must be passed and also the course must have been completed at least for the most part.

Many thanks in advance,

3 Replies
Angelo Cruz

Hi David! I understand your concern regarding Rise 360's tracking option.

The tracking found in the publish settings decides whether to set the user's status to Completed or In Progress. If the user meets the tracking requirement, they will have successfully completed the course.

The reason why the course progress increased even if users failed the quiz is that you do not require a passing score to continue. This means, regardless if the users pass or fail the quiz, as long as they complete the quiz and meet your tracking requirement, they will be marked Completed in your LMS. However, if you require a passing score to continue, the course progress will not increase and they will not be marked Completed in your LMS. Here's a screenshot of the lesson progress showing 100% with a failed quiz if you do not require a passing score.

And here's what the lesson progress would look like with a failed quiz and you require a passing score to continue.

So if you want the users to pass the quiz before they are marked as complete, you may want to toggle the quiz setting to Require Passing Score to Continue

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

CampusLab GmbH

Dear Angelo,
this is a work around, but not a proper solution: When enabling "Require Passing Score To Continue", your navigation is blocked. This even is the case when setting the Theme navigation option "Restrict Navigation" to false.

And switching the tracking options to "Track using quiz result" in the publish menu is not an option as well, since you can only choose a single quiz, not all.

I conclude that with Rise you are not able to make quiz passing a prerequisite for course completion without restricting navigation.

Right? If I´m wrong, please tell me how.

Eric Santos

Hello CampusLab; I'm happy to chime in!

With Rise 360, it is possible to make quiz passing a prerequisite for course completion without restricting navigation. To confirm this, I created a sample Rise course with two quizzes and the settings below:

  1. I did not enable Require Passing Score To Continue in any of the quizzes.
  2. Restrict Navigation is off in Themes.
  3. When I published to LMS, I set Quiz 1 as the completion tracking criteria.

LMS settings

Upon testing, I passed Quiz 1 and failed Quiz 2, but got a completed and passed result.

SCORM Cloud resuts

Here's my published link to SCORM Cloud so you can also test on your end. Please let me know if you have any questions!