Having issues ending Rise 360 course after a quiz.

Mar 22, 2024

I need help with ending a course after someone has passed the quiz in Rise 360.  I have used the settings to pass at 80% and limited the times to repeat as 3.  I have added a lesson to go to after completing the quiz with a button that exits the course but when previewing the course it does not let me continue to next lesson after passing the quiz.  What am I doing wrong?

5 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi Dana!

Sorry to hear you've run into this setback while testing your Rise 360 lesson! Glad to see Karl has been helping you!

I'd be happy to assist and had some follow-up questions to help troubleshoot your issue:

  • Can the same issue be observed across multiple browsers, or is it local to one? Also, does clearing the browser's cache improve the behavior?
  • If you publish the course to Review 360, are you able to proceed through the lesson as expected?
  • Any chance there is a blank slider/lesson block at the end of the quiz? If so, deleting that should allow you to flow through the lesson again.

It would be helpful to see a screen recording of the behavior as you're experiencing it on your end. Feel free to attach it here in the discussion or privately through a support case.