Quiz in Rise 360 - submit button doesn't work

Jul 25, 2022


I have a Rise course ending with a quiz. Apparently, the submit button does not work properly when I test it in LMS. Nothing happens when I click "submit". BUT there's no problem when I test it in Preview-mode in Rise 360 and in SCORM Cloud. 

Has anybody experiences this kind of issue?

I'm attaching the quiz settings.

3 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hello, Stine. Does the submit button work on any of the quiz questions in your course? If it's the very first question that is giving you trouble, that might be hard to tell since the questions aren't being randomized!

Here are two troubleshooting ideas you can try:

  1. Copy the quiz to a new course, export the course, and see if the new version of the quiz works in your LMS. 
  2. Add all of your questions to a question bank, and eliminate a few at a time from the quiz. You might find one question in particular that's problematic. I would start with the first question in your current version if that's where you're getting stuck.

Let us know how you make out. If you're still stuck, we can help directly in a case!

Stine Hebsgaard

Hello, Crystal. Thank you for your reply. It turned out that our LMS is not that happy when the question includes for example quotation marks, dashes or ellipsis. I deleted all of them. Also the question had to end with a question mark and there had to be only one sentence in the question - not two or more.