Hide author name in Rise 360, for employee e-learning

Nov 27, 2023

My question is two-fold.

First part -  who can be listed as an author in a course created in Rise 360? Is there a way to hide my name as the author if I design the course in Rise 360? There is a course I want to design in Rise for employees, but it is not necessary to show my individual name. Could I edit that so it shows my agency name even though it is within my employer account? I don't know if I want my individual name showing up each time as the author.

Also, for future reference: With SL 360, if the original files are stored somewhere where specific employees can access them, they can edit those files with SL provided they have 360, correct? What if the course is designed in Rise 360 - would the only person who could access and make changes be me? 

2 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Katrina, 

The Course Owner or any Course Collaborator can be selected from the Author drop-down list. If you do not want to show an author you can choose to hide the Author.

SL 360 *.story files are stored on the hard drive of the local computer.  Anybody that has a copy of the *.story files, can edit the course.

For Rise 360, the course files are stored in the Cloud. The Course Owner or any assigned Course Collaborator can edit the course.