How to download images from Rise to use in Storyline

Nov 22, 2022


I'm new to Articulate. I just started with a company that has existing Rise modules that we are wanting to transfer to Storyline, but I haven't been able to find how to do that. At the very least, I'd like to be able to download the images from the existing Rise modules so I can use them in Storyline.

2 Replies
Cecil Cheng

I have a similar question. How do I download files like images, gifs, and videos from a Rise course that I'm editing? I know how to replace files but there are certain gifs that I created in Camtasia that I am having trouble finding on my PC, and being able to redownload them from Rise in edit mode would be very helpful.

Or is there a way to see all the files in a course? Do I need to do this by exporting a SCORM package and going into it?

Gren Foronda

HI Jordanne and Cecil!

Thanks for reaching out!

While there isn't a way yet to manage and access media files imported in a Rise course, a workaround to download these media is to export the Rise course for Web.

You can then unzip the exported package, and then go inside the "content/assets" folder. All of the media files of the Rise course can be found inside this folder. 

assets folder

Let me know if this works for you or if you have additional questions! Have a lovely day!