Images in Rise

Jun 08, 2018


What classes do I need to target to align the (only)text block with the text block with images?

I am hosting the module on my own server so I have the freedom to tweak the final result, but not sure what I need change in order to expand the width of the text block to fit the with of the block with image (left or right) or vice versa how to shrink a image/text block to fit the width of a text only block.


best regards


9 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Miki,

It sounds like you're using a Text Only block with an Image & Text block, is that right?

While you can adjust the padding on the top and bottom, there isn't a way to adjust the left and right margins manually. These margins will adjust automatically to fit the screen size the learner is using. For example, here's a look at those same blocks on a mobile phone.

It sounds like having more control over the left and right margins would be helpful for you, so I’ll pass your thoughts with our product team. You can also feel free to detail them more through a feature request!

Ashley Zuco

I sent in a feature request, but wanted to also add my request here as I don't think it has been addressed yet with some of the recent updates. It would be nice to either have the option to adjust padding on left/right margins, or like Alex said, to just have the margins all be consistent as we are likely going to be using them together. Thank you! You have an awesome product and I am making demos right now to convince my team that Rise is the way to go and want to make sure they look as clean as possible. 

Hayden Elliott

Is there any update on this request?

Having the 'image & text' block match the margins of the regular paragraph blocks when viewing past 50% screen size would go along way in making courses look polished. Currently finding it near impossible to use this block unless its on its own as it looks messy and unaligned on desktop.