Labeled Graphic - Can't Continue

Dec 15, 2021


I created a Rise 360 course that requires learners to finish each section before continuing. Using the Labeled Graphic block, I uploaded an infographic and added 6 clickable hotspots.

Currently, if I click each hotspot individually, I am not able to advance in the course. The continue button only unlocks if I use the left/right arrows on the hotspot popup to navigate.

Is there a fix for this? It has caused frustration for my learners; people stop in the middle of the course because they think it's broken.

6 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Jesse,

I created a Labeled Graphic with six hotspots as a test. Also added a Continue block.

My testing shows that clicking on each individual hotspot does unlock the Continue button.

I suspect what's happening, is that because the hotspots do not have a visited state, that the learners are losing track of which hotspots have already been clicked on, and missing clicking on one or more hotspots.

By comparison, using the arrows always works, because the arrows will cycle through all hotspots.

Jesse Kemling


I appreciate you taking time to test and respond. That is interesting! I'm able to recreate the issue in two courses that I've used the block.

I tried to recreate the issue in a quick example video, but had another issue as seen in the vid. I still describe it though.

I tried reshooting the video in different browsers to capture the original issue, but now I can't get the continue button to lock; it seems to be using free navigation despite having the restricted setting applied.

Crystal Horn

Hi Jesse. That video was so helpful in showing what you saw on your end with the Continue button already being unlocked.

I think you may need to edit the Continue block settings to require blocks above be completed before it unlocks. I tested your setup and could not reproduce the issue of the Continue button not unlocking with that setup. Check out my Peek 360 screencast here, and let me know what you think!

Jesse Kemling


I apologize for the late response and I appreciate your time :) Here's a quick video response showing what I now suspect is going on with the learners. I appreciate you and Karl helping me out!

What's the best way to ensure markers aren't covered by tooltips? Is there a way to dictate which direction the popups come out of each marker?


Karl Muller

Hi Jesse,

The video clearly illustrates the issue of why students are not seeing the one marker over on the right.

Unfortunately Rise does not offer control about how and where the popups open.

So unless you have the option to edit the graphic, there is most likely not an option to prevent the right marker from being covered  by the popups.