Latest Rise update corrupted entire course

Sep 06, 2017

Hi there, I was hoping someone could assist me.

The following has occurred since the most recent update:

I needed to revisit a course to make some changes to the content. Upon creating a new lesson within the course, the page froze and wouldn't let me refresh, go back or even revisit the course from the Rise dashboard. 

Now, when I try to open the course, I receive the blank screen and error as seen in the attached screenshot. I have no way of opening the course and now the entire course and content is lost, with me needing to redo the course from scratch. Luckily this was not a course being built for a client but this type of bug/error cannot exist, especially in a corporate environment. 

I would like to know if there is any chance of retrieving my course or, even better, a bug-fix update to stop this from happening again in future. This is a highly serious issue that needs to be fixed immediately.

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