Learners Complaining About Progress Indicators in Courses with Forced Navigation

Oct 11, 2022


Because the insurance industry has strict regulations for continuing education filing, all of our Rise courses have a Continue button at the end of each lesson that requires all blocks in the lesson to be complete before the button is enabled. We consistently have learners complain that they struggle to keep track of which interactive elements have or have not been clicked. Is there a plan on the roadmap to make this more clear? For example, changing the color of tabs, accordions, hot spots, etc. that have already been clicked by the learner? 

Thank you so much for any advice or information that you can provide!


3 Replies
Judy Nollet

Rise doesn't have the capability to indicate which interactions are complete or not (though with some, you can tell because they stay showing the last part of the interaction). You could submit a feature request using the link below. But there's no guarantee it would ever be implemented. And, even if Articulate did put it on the "road map," it probably wouldn't be done in the near future.


You could add a note to the beginning of each course (or even at the start of each lesson) that tells the learner they will have to complete all the interactions. That might spur them to complete them as they proceed through the course.