Link to Outlook in Rise

Oct 31, 2022

Hello all,
I would like people to be able to recommend my Rise course at the end. To do this, I would like to include a link to Outlook and was so that you do not write to a specific person, but Outlook opens and you can then enter the mail address to which you want to recommend the course. Ideally, there would also be a mail template in which the link to the course is already integrated. Is something like this possible? Or does anyone have any other ideas on how to recommend the course?
Thank you and best regards

1 Reply

This can be done with JavaScript. I have a moderately complex "self-assessment" I conducted for my team.  They completed the assessments using StoryLine blocks published in a Rise course.  The last block builds an email using JavaScript and opens the participant's mail client. All they had to do was press send.  The code may look a bit complex but yours does not have to be quite this confusing. I can walk walk you through it.

My code:
var player = GetPlayer();

//start body text array to get labels used in the body text of the email
const scoreLabels = ["Self-Awareness: ","Expressed Affection: ","Wanted Affection: ","Expressed Control: ","Wanted Control: ","Expressed Inclusion: ","Wanted Inclusion: ","Emotional Stability: ","Extraversion: ","Openness: ","Agreeableness: ","Conscientiousness: ","Total Interpersonal Score: ","Passive Rating: ","Aggressive Rating: ","Assertive Rating: "];
//Create a variable for linebreaks in the email body text
let lineBreak = "%0D%0A";

var email= '';
var subject="Assessment Scores";

//Build the email body text and store it in a single variable
var bodyText = scoreLabels[0] + player.GetVar("SelfAwareness") + lineBreak + lineBreak + "FIRO-B" + lineBreak + scoreLabels[1] + player.GetVar("Expressed_Affection") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[2] + player.GetVar("Wanted_Affection") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[3] + player.GetVar("Expressed_Control") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[4] + player.GetVar("Wanted_Control") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[5] + player.GetVar("Expressed_Inclusion") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[6] + player.GetVar("Wanted_Inclusion") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[12] + player.GetVar("TotalInterpersonalScore") + lineBreak + lineBreak;
bodyText += "The Big 5 Personality Assessment" + lineBreak + scoreLabels[7] + player.GetVar("EmotionalStability") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[8] + player.GetVar("Extraversion") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[9] + player.GetVar("Openness") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[10] + player.GetVar("Agreeableness") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[11] + player.GetVar("Conscientiousness") + lineBreak + lineBreak;
bodyText += "Passive/Aggressive/Assertive Scores" + lineBreak + scoreLabels[13] + player.GetVar("Passive") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[14] + player.GetVar("Aggressive") + lineBreak + scoreLabels[15] + player.GetVar("Assertive") + lineBreak + lineBreak;

//create mail link
var mailto_link='mailto:'+email+'?subject='+subject+'&body='+bodyText;,'emailWin');