Links in Rise 360

Jul 18, 2023

I am adding links to a page.  When I add a website, everything works fine. I also would like to link to other resources like an internal file. 

When typing file:// or ftp:// as the protocol, the http is added to the begining.

How do I enter the exact URL I want?



5 Replies
Norman Handrigan

The files are MS-Word documents stored in our DMS.

The protocol we use to share the link is: PCDOCS://

We use eDocs from Opentext and link to a DRF file.

URI format is:


Norman Handrigan​, Learning and Development Coordinator


P: 226.213.7369

F: 519.672.6065

275 Dundas Street, Unit 1, London, ON N6B 3L1

[cid:image219779.png@98FA911C.4C6E18D4] This email is subject to Siskinds LLP's email disclaimer.

Siskinds is situated within and operates within the ancestral beaver hunting grounds of
​the Algonquin, Haudenosaunee and Attawandaran peoples; the traditional and unceded
​lands of ​the Anishinaabe Peoples, of Walpole Island, Kettle Point and the Thames, the
​settled ​peoples Haudenosaunee Confederacy, at the Grand River and the Thames and
​the Lenni Lenape Delaware peoples of Moraviantown and Muncey.

Lea Agato

Hi Norman,

Thanks for providing more details on this. Rise doesn't support PCDOCS:// protocol, so using this in your Rise 360 links won't work. 

If you want to add an attachment that will open directly in your course, you can host your attachments on a web server and use a Multimedia > Embed block:  

  • Create an iframe code using the https link of your document.  <iframe src="URL"></iframe> 
  • Click All Blocks > Multimedia > Embed
  • Click Edit > Change
  • Paste your iframe code
  • Press enter to create the embed.

I hope this helps!

By the way, I also want to quickly mention that your email signature containing your contact information is included in the post when you reply via email. Please feel free to edit those out in your reply here