Math equations in RISE

May 23, 2018

What are your recommendations for creating accessible math equations in RISE content? We need these to be accessible to students using screenreaders. Can we input MathJax/ML etc into RISE? Or is the only option to add each equation as an image with alt text description or maybe create a Word document with these equations, both of which are very time consuming.   Please advise as we'd like to continue building in RISE, but need to ensure that these are accessible for users. 

38 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jennifer,

I know a few other users have asked for math equation support, so we're tracking those requests to look at the potential of this as a feature to Rise!

I'll add your discussion to that list, and I hope that others in the community are able to share what they've accomplished so far to add math equations to the courses and support all their users. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Aprana,

We want to give you the best information we can about upcoming features so that you can plan ahead for your projects. While a math equation editor is on our Rise 360 roadmap, it's not one that would be ready by the end of this year. 

Of course, we'll keep you updated if we get a better ETA for this feature. 

Fabrice Darrigrand

Has anyone tried to modify the scorm output of a rise course to add the following snipped provided by mathjax ( ?

I'm looking at the structure of the file but I have no idea where to paste this. I understand it's better to not modify these files but this seems like a solution that could work while Articulate is working on a proper solution.

<script src=""></script>
<script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>

Rachel Tunstall

Have there been any updates on when an equation editor might be ready? We can only think of a workaround using images, but obviously this doesn't comply with accessibility guidelines. UK universities will need an accessible solution by 23 September 2020:

Christopher Santos

Hi Neil,

You can use an Embed block (Multimedia > Embed) to insert a Math equation from a third-party source.

In the below screenshot, I used Google Docs' Equation editor to create the function and use the Share functionality from Google to grab the link.  I then inserted this link in a simple <iframe> code using the following syntax:

<iframe src="link here"></iframe>

This works for Microsoft Word online.  I haven't explored other third-party Math equation editors but as long as they have a share functionality, it should work. 

Fabrice Darrigrand

Hi Christopher,

This is an interesting solution but it's utmost hard to maintain a course if your equations are in a different location than your course.

It would work for occasionally displaying graphs but it wouldn't work for a full course on a scientific topic where you need to display online equations and formulas.

Can someone try to add a desmos graph to a rise course for me ? I don't have access to the solution right now.

<iframe src="" width="500" height="500" style="border: 1px solid #ccc" frameborder=0></iframe>

Kind regards

Natalie Graham

An equation editor is a must have for our team. Even when building in Storyline, certain symbols cause the program to crash and we have to resort to using images of the equations with alt text. 

If we could simply build equations in Rise, we wouldn't have to search for and use complicated workarounds. 


I too would love to see a math equation editor, but I have had some success with using symbols that can be copied and pasted as text into Rise. Here is the link: It's not perfect, but it is free and provides a wide range of math equation symbols. I also use this site to paste arrows and other icons as part of the student instructions. Below is a screenshot of some of their math symbols.


I hope this helps!