Next Button on quiz result page

Aug 17, 2018

Hi, I have built a quiz in Rise and also hidden the sidebar. When I reach the result slide there is a TAKE AGAIN button but there is no way to jump to the next lesson. The only way to access it is by enabling the sidebar and clicking the next lesson from the sidebar. 

Anyway to jump to the next lesson without havint the sidebar enabled?


2 Replies
Elizabeth Kuhlmann

Hi Frédéric!  Do you currently have another lesson following the quiz in your Rise course?  If not, there's nothing for the course for it to have the learner move onto.  If you do, there should be a way for the learner to scroll down past the "Take Again" link and click on the link for the next lesson, as in the below screenshot, where the learner can move on to Subject 3 - Labeled Graphic Lesson.

Next Lesson

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