Open text box/field in Rise 360

May 08, 2019

Hi. Is it possible to add an open, blank text field in a lesson on Rise 360? I would like users of my course to be able to write reflective comments as I pose questions.

Thanks, Dan.

52 Replies
Improve Admin

For those that use H5P, you can use the Essay activity. Here users can enter their text and the activity will identify key words used and award a score. Or you can disable that and just provide feedback text.

Note however that - because this is embedded - written content will not be stored.

Remitly Inc.

I agree with this too. Sometimes, we just want them to lay down their responses without being restricted to the way they want to express their responses. A simple preposition and whatnot can lead to an incorrect answer, i.e. update your profile vs update a profile.

Nevertheless, I'm really hoping that Articulate will finally release a long text entry as a block.

Jac Dugan

I agree with all of the above. It seems that the easier work around would be to adjust the knowledge check for 'fill in the blank'. Give the option to for the user to fill in their self-reflection and it be recorded and saved. Adjust it so no 'feedback' has to be given, and any 'answer' is acceptable. 

Ronan Monahan

I am looking to create a open text entry question In Rise that provides feedback, and it still is not possible. I feel there is high limitations still with the Knowledge Checks in Rise...These seem to have been noted for quite some time but currently remain the same. The workaround with storyline still is a difficulty that probably should have been amended by now, as we are dealing with lesson development that seems to lack many options of testing a users storyline import the best way around getting an open text entry into Rise?

Sophie Tilgner

This is a very telling thread. Three years of steady requests for what customers/course designers expect to be a standard feature, and three years of the feature not being added. Looking at the list of planned/in-development features, it looks like there's a disconnect here: several of the planned features are focused on how the course looks, while course designers are requesting more attention to *how* course participants learn and engage with the course. This really gives the impression that the company's priorities are out of sync with customer/potential customer priorities. Anyone currently entering the learning & development profession is learning about the importance of engagement-based learning, with open-ended questions and reflection exercises. This is especially increasing in adult and corporate learning. Three years of "We'll think about it" is really out of step with what is now a standard customer expectation. 

Hilary Schmidt

Just endorsing Darren McKinnon's suggestion from a year ago: "... adjust the "Fill-in-the-Blank" Knowledge Check to have an accept ANY answer option."

Ideal state would be an open, free-form text box as many others have requested, but this would surely be a low-bar temporary workaround? 

Articulate, where are you on this?

Pollyanna Lindley

Hi, I'm in need of this too! I embedded a TypeForm but I have to have it as a separate lesson because the embed always jumpts to the top of the page - so I can't have it as the 4th block in a lesson, for example. I think Darren's idea of Articulate adjusting the fill in the blank question is a great one!  

Heather Nixon

Having a free text box where a learner can put their own reflections or predictions is a really important tool for retention of training. It looks like it was first requested 9 years ago, fingers crossed it will be added soon! I think Darren's suggestion sounds like a great idea to solve the challenge.

Colin Lynas

I would like to see this feature made available.

I won't hold my breath though, given this was raised over 4 years ago without any progression. The short answer question and long answer question is one of the most common question types. I expect you have a very good reason for not including this from the start. I would be very interested in understanding why it hasn't been deployed.