Possibility to embed/attach a PDF-file which opens at specific page number

Jun 14, 2024

Hi all,

I wa swondering if it is possible to embed an PDF either as an attachment or as webbased document in a way, that it opens at a specific page.

So far I didnt suceed while trying and also found this discussion (https://community.articulate.com/discussions/rise-360/embed-a-pdf-in-rise-that-automatically-opens-to-a-specific-page-number), but maybe somebody has an idea?

Thanks in advance,

4 Replies
Wilfried Sharp

Yeah, this can be done by uploading the pdf as a file attachment, then add #page=4 etc at the end of the URL, as below.


Then I use iframe generator to create the embed code and use the embed block. eg

<iframe src="https://articulateusercontent.com/rise/courses/KOVEN0k6kNKDP-cS8coP4AIX-6k8TBbK/N0c0HyQ-kRgy26fp-Skills%2520Signposting%2520Guide.pdf#page=4" name="page 4" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="400px" width="600px" allowfullscreen></iframe>


This works for me on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, but not on my Phone browsers.