64 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Michelle,

You'll need to upload the entire contents of the exported folder to your webserver. Once uploaded there you'll give learners a link to the index.html file. The specifics of your website are something I'd suggest reaching out to your IT team about! 

It also sounds like you're trying to view the course offline? Offline viewing is supported in Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Just download a Rise course as a web package, extract the zip file, then launch the index.html file. Steps are outlined here. 

Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge block local playback of Rise courses altogether. You'll just see a blank page in these browsers. To use Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge, you'll need to upload your course to a web server.

Katie Riggio

Hey, Erin. No IT team, no problem. We'll help you get to the bottom of this! 😊

First, thanks for giving the Export Web-Only Output steps a go. If you haven't seen this Peek video, it's a helpful visual guide on how to get Rise content on a website.

To help us dig deeper, could you share more detail on what happens when you click on the index.html file? Additionally, what site are you trying to host the published content on?

Ed Crane

Hello....I can successfully download the .zip file and extract and launch from index.html. 

When I follow the Peek video, I'm able to follow the steps with Filezilla but when it gets to 'copy URL to clipboard' and I paste the URL, it actually downloads the index.html file. When I type the path to the index.html file into my browser, I keep getting a "Not Found" error. Any suggestions?


Alyssa Gomez

Hi April! 

Do your Storyline blocks contain audio or video on the first slide? If so, then you'll see a gray or black cover with a  play button appear before the first slide of the Storyline content. Clicking the play button should display the Storyline block.

You can prevent the play button by adding an introductory slide (with no audio or video) before the first slide in the Storyline Block.

Let me know if that helps you!

April Caldwell

Hi Alyssa, 

Nope. No audio or video in the content. The problem seems to be that when you combine a Rise File and Storyline file together as one output and upload to a website, the index file calls only the Rise HTML file, and does not call the story.html file.  There must be a way so that both HTML files are called.  Thoughts?

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Agne! Are you looking for a web server where you can host your published Rise 360 content? 

You can host your web output on any web server or space that allows you to upload a folder of HTML files to run the content.

We suggest Amazon S3 and Google Cloud as options for folks who may not have their own web server access.