Remove step 1, 2, 3 etc from process pre built lesson

Feb 04, 2017

Is there any way to amend the settings in the process lesson so you do not see srep 1, step 2 etc? I would like to use it more like a regular slider

27 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Christopher!

Happy to announce that you can now customize the default text labels in Rise. This gives you the ability to make built-in course elements, such as buttons and lesson headers, say what you want them to say.

Brian has started a great discussion here if you'd like to check it out and you can find our support documentation here.

As always, we keep our Rise Version History up to date too.

Albert Garcia Pujadas

Hello, in this new version it seems that the step/label name cannot be deleted..

I delete it from settings... but when viewing the course, STEP1 is still 

Apparently there is an error that is making it impossible to change anything, and STEP 1 continues to appear as the base, even changing the settings labels, is this normal?

Does anyone have the same situation? any way to fix it thank you very much in advance