RISE automatically updates changes?

Aug 31, 2021

Hello, I use to be able to make changes to curriculum in the backend, and those with the link were able to view the Current (not updated) version until I published it. This really allowed me to test feature out. Now I notice that it updates automatically. If so, what's the point of publishing it? 

1 Reply
Karl Muller

Hi Phil,

If someone accesses a Rise course using its SHARE link, whoever is using the link will see changes immediately as they are made to the course contents. Rise has always functioned this way.

If you are using a published SCORM version of a Rise course within a LMS, then you are essentially making a copy of the course and placing the copy in the LMS.

The copy of the course in the LMS will not automatically change when changes are made to the Rise course. The copy of the course in the LMS will stay the same, until your republish a new SCORM file, and replace the old course with the newly published version.

The same is true if you are publishing for the Web.

Republishing a course has no impact on the SHARE link.