Rise Learners Getting Stuck

Jan 22, 2020

We are having some issues with some learners getting stuck in a few spots in a Rise course. One of the IT suggestions was around whitelisting access to network endpoints. It feels like this article was written for those wanting to author in Articulate, but what about for learners? Are any of these network endpoints required to be whitelisted for learners? https://articulate.com/support/article/Articulate-360-Network-Endpoints

As background, some learners are getting hung up after an Articulate Rise drag and drop activity, built in Rise. If they close out, and then restart, it works. But it's very weird.


3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hey Alex!

These are our only required browser settings for viewing Rise 360 courses:

  • JavaScript must be enabled for published courses to work.
  • Font downloads must be enabled to see the correct fonts and characters.
  • When using Internet Explorer, turn off Compatibility View for sites where your courses are hosted.

Have you been able to recreate the issue in your own testing? Do you happen to know what web browser the learners are using when they get stuck?

Rachel Smith

Thanks for your response, Alyssa. It's happening in Chrome and in IE -- although only from onsite networked connections. When they do developer tools (F12) to figure out what the errors are, this is what they see (attached).

Very specifically, the Continue button (which requires above block to be completed), isn't loading. After having loaded successfully for the same videos, the same way 5x earlier.  We've tried republishing that video, reprogramming. Nothing. Really bizarre.

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