RISE- linking or referencing within a RISE course

Jul 22, 2020

Hi All,

Sorry for this very fundamental question.

I am looking for inserting "references" to various blocks inside a RISE course.

Example: click here for this info ( this link should take me to a certain block), and from there,  I should be able to come back to a landing page where the reference link is. Now, I understand that we have the side bars, which I want to hide.

Kindly help!

Thank you!


2 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Daya,

You can use Button blocks to navigate to different Lessons in your course.

Be aware that those links will only take the student to the start of the lesson. You cannot specify a specific block as the destination in the Lesson.

One the student has arrived at the destination Lesson, there is no easy way for them to get back to where they were before. So if you hide the menu, that may cause navigation issues.

There is also no way to add a link in a Lesson to jump to a different block in the same Lesson.

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