Rise: Needing to scroll after inserting block

Jul 13, 2018

I have come across an annoying little bug and wondering if anyone has a solution, or if it really is just a bug.

I have a lesson in Rise that is long enough that its about 3 pages long, and is built using various blocks. When I insert a new block and then close the right hand window, Rise takes me up the lesson to around the middle of the course, and then I have to scroll down again to go back to the block that I really want to work on. Very annoying.

Has anyone else come across this? How did you fix it?

19 Replies
Dennis Hill


Yes, it was a little tricky trying to work out how to describe it, hence the reason I added some video. It drives me a little insane as well, especially after a long day of needing to do it over and over. Some of my course pages are long, so when working on those ones its very time consuming.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Thanks for reaching out here and sharing that video, Dennis!

I tested this out myself in the Mac and Windows versions of Chrome and Firefox and Safari on a Mac, and I couldn't replicate what you were seeing.

I figured I'd take a Peek of my steps (apologies, I thought I recorded it with audio!) while in Chrome and let me know if I'm missing something or if you're using a different browser to author in Rise. 

Dennis Hill

Good evening.

Okay, so I have done some testing.

I can not replicate this in Chrome. I can replicate it in Firefox, and also in Firefox Developer Edition, and in Internet Explorer. All on a PC. I have a MAC laptop but its packed ready for a trip, but will try it tomorrow.

i have tried clicking and setting the cursor inside the section that I want to edit, then clicking on the edit button, but it still takes me back up the screen several pages. Happy to show you via a web conference or screen sharing if you like. Unfortunately I will be interstate for the rest of this week working, but happy to work out a time if you like. (I am in Sydney Australia, UTC +10 hours)



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for letting me know you saw it in Firefox and IE - it looks like that's where Karin saw it too. Rise supports viewing the output in IE, but authoring in Windows you should use Chrome, Firefox or Edge.

I tested again in Firefox for Windows and still everything was working normally. Can you let me know what Firefox version you're using? I'm on the latest one which is Ver 61.0.1. 


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks, Karin.

Although I'm still not seeing this myself in that Firefox version, I'm going to share Dennis's original video with my team to take a look at. If you have a second to take a  Peek of the problem that would also help us look for any other clues as to what is different in your and Dennis's environment vs. mine.

I'll keep you both posted here!  

Karin Rex

Hi again. It is not just after inserting a block that the need for scrolling happens. If I edit a section in my course and then exit that section, I am always brought up near the very top of the page again. Then I have to scroll scroll scroll to get back where I was. I've attached a Camtasia video...or here's the link to it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ngJZRdI3oM

Helen Tyson

Hi Ashley

Here's a Peek I did to demo it from my perspective.


It seems to be when you have a long page of blocks it sends you back to the centre of the stack.

I couldn't record voice over due to location but the mouse flashes should help.

You'll see I'm using Microsoft Edge in this recording.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks, Dennis and no apologies necessary! Hope you were off doing something wonderful. 

I appreciate the video, and I did share a few other video examples with the team already, but it's great to have more! I wasn't able to replicate it myself as I showed earlier, but I'll keep you posted here with any updates. 

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