Rise Pre-Built Lessons...can they be used in the same lesson as custom block?

Apr 10, 2018


Hoping somebody might have the answer to this or be able to point me in the right direction...

Is there a way to use the Pre-Built activities in Rise (such as labeled graphic, process, timeline, sorting, etc) in the same lesson as custom activities? Am I missing something?  

I've built a lesson using a variety of custom blocks/activities, and I'd love to be able to use the labeled graphic activity in that same lesson. Is that possible?

9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hey Remco,

Glad you're enjoying the update - but it sounds like you've hit a snag!

You can't move a labeled graphic block back to a standalone lesson (or vice a versa) although it's a request our team has heard a couple times this week. 

You can move a labeled graphic block within the existing lesson that you added it though. Just look for the up/down arrows while editing to move it around.  

I'm not sure what you mean about explaining the dots though - perhaps you could clarify that piece and I can offer some further advice?

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