Transfer Articulate Subscription

Apr 02, 2024

My manager purchased an Articulate 360 subscription for me in December 2023. I am leaving the company, but I know my license will be valid until December 2024. Is there any way that I can transfer my subscription (not courses) to someone else on my team so that they can continue utilizing the tool? 

6 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Margaret,

If your organization has an Articulate 360 Teams type account, your Account Admin can transfer your seat (subscription) plus all courses for which you are the course owner to another team member. 

See the Heading Remove Users and Manage Their Content 

Steven Benassi

Hi Margaret!

It sounds like you need to transfer ownership of your Articulate 360 subscription!

Glad to see Karl has been helping you! I've opened a support case on your behalf so our account management team can work with you directly to make these adjustments. They should be following up with you shortly!

We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.