Translation not applying

Oct 22, 2019

Hi there,

I have several translation files that I am trying to import into a Rise course.  I get "import successful" when I insert the translated file, but then the course is still in english.  Out of seven translation files, only one imported  (and it has a bunch of question mark symbols scattered all through it.  The other six all say "import successful" but the courses are still in english.

Any help is appreciated!


7 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi, Jeanne. To confirm, have you duplicated your course, and exported a translation file from each version? If you're following those steps and not seeing your translated text import properly into your courses, we can have a closer look.

Feel free to share which translation tool you're using to get input from our community of course authors, as well!

Crystal Horn

Got it; thanks for clarifying, Jeanne! The translated XLF needs to come from the course that created the export, not the original English version. This means you'll need to duplicate your course first, and then export an XLF file from each duplicate. Give each of those XLF files to your client's provider to translate, and then import each one back into the course from which it came.

Let me know how that works for you!

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