Why does Rise scroll down instead of doing a Next/Previous action?

Jun 06, 2019


We are currently demoing Articulate and of course love the ease of use of Rise. We've already had some questions about why it scrolls up and down instead of using Next/Previous functions and I would love to hear either why Articulate choose to use that function for Rise or what your pro positions are for using scrolling over Next/Previous for those who are used to Next/Previous for online learning. (For the record I love the scrolling because I hate clicking Next every 15 seconds in the courses I've taken before). 

2 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hey there, Leslie! I'm glad you're loving the ease of Rise 360. 😊

Rise 360 organizes your content into lessons rather than slides, and it delivers a natural web experience. Your content is fully responsive, which means it looks amazing on every device in any orientation. Learners who regularly access the web will be familiar with scrolling through sites to get relevant information.

From an authoring standpoint, the layout of Rise 360 makes it super easy to rearrange blocks and lessons to get your course outline just right! Let me know if you need any other help.

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