Forum Discussion

JamesMcPhill461's avatar
Community Member
4 hours ago

Add different workspace/layouts to the editor

Having different workspace similar to how adobe/blender/davinci resolve, unreal engine etc, structure their software would be a great help.

I would suggest:

  • An editing/designing workspace for adding content and graphics to slides
    • This would have the timeline to the right of the editor as mentioned before to make it clearer what was in place and how the layers were structured.
  • An animation workspace
    • This could dock the timeline at the bottom but move the layers and slides panels up allowing it to take up the full width of the editor.
  • A triggers workspace
    • This would give more real estate to the trigger editor to make information easier to parse. This could be achieved by making the slides panel collapsable.

I know everyone's workflow is different and even mine differs slightly from project to project, but I often find myself wanting more space to work on particular aspects of a document. 

The storyline editor is a bit cramped. I often find myself wishing the timeline had more verticality or the trigger editor had a bit more space. The current solution is to pop-out and resize elements of the editor, but they then end up on top of other things and they don't snap to anywhere leaving the workspace feeling cluttered. Further to this, if you want to work on a different aspect of the project, you then have to resize all the pop-out windows. Workspaces would allow you to flick back and forth easily, saving time and mental effort.

For example, when I'm adding my content to a slide the space taken up by the timeline, triggers, and now also the AI tab really takes away my real estate for viewing the slide. If I could dock the timeline on the right-hand side with the triggers, layers, and AI panel I would be able to see more of what is actually on my slide and the timeline would feel less like clutter. 

Another bugbear of mine is if you are having trouble selecting something due to overlapping elements on the slide, selecting it from the timeline is the best way to go. but the timeline only shows 3 or 4 elements at a time and is difficult to scroll. my suggested editor workspace would resolve that issue and give you more space to work on the slide.

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