Forum Discussion

AlanCamerer-0cf's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Auto-alignment of bullet points to A.I. voice

Hello again. I'm thinking this is not so easy as it sounds or it would have been done already: We're building a lot of screens for clients with standard text bullets timed to the absolutely fabulous addition of A.I. Voiceover - a huge thank you for A.I. automation, btw! Definitely worth the extra price!

Now, I am spending a great percentage of my newly found extra free time of NOT physically reading and recording and editing and importing V.O., in aligning the animated appearance of the bullets with the AI voice*.
Yes, I can hear the 'aw...poor guy' sarcasm from here.

I'm sure the difficulty for Storyline/A.I. to know where a bullet point matches the text being voiced, but it seems like it should be an easy task for the 'all-knowing genie' of AI to master, and it would save even more hours of work for my 'expendable fallible human carcass' to enjoy in other activities, like making 3D stuff or sleeping. 

*No, I'm not just showing the text being voiced - that has been proven to actually impede learning - but the bullets are summarizing what is being said in as few words as possible as a reminder of what has been covered. (We keep the actual narration in the Notes tab if they need to read every word later.)

So if there is already a way to do this, I apologize for taking your newly found extra free time to read this longish suggestion that I did NOT run through ChatGPT for help with grammar and clarity. Otherwise, thanks for any ideas you may have.

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