Do you want to reward learners with a certificate when they successfully complete a course? Then download this certificate of completion template to use in your own projects. This template uses the print slide trigger in Storyline 360, which allows learners to print the contents of a specific slide. 

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Rotha Bearng

i know this is a year old, But try this: try this java code as a trigger for the print: var styles = ` @media print { body, * { visibility: hidden; } html, body { overflow: hidden; transform: translateZ(0); } #slide { transform: scale(1) !important; # Adjusted scale to 1 (no zoom) } #wrapper { transform: scale(1) !important; } #slide, #wrapper { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; overflow: visible !important; } #frame { overflow: visible !important; } .slide-transition-container { overflow: visible !important; } @page { size: A4 landscape; max-height: 99%; max-width: 99%; } .slide-container, .slide-container * { visibility: visible !important; margin-top: 0px... Expand

Rotha Bearng

HI there, I worked with my team to get this somewhat fixed, as I had similar issues when printing CERTs. try this java code as a trigger for the print: var styles = ` @media print { body, * { visibility: hidden; } html, body { overflow: hidden; transform: translateZ(0); } #slide { transform: scale(1) !important; # Adjusted scale to 1 (no zoom) } #wrapper { transform: scale(1) !important; } #slide, #wrapper { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; overflow: visible !important; } #frame { overflow: visible !important; } .slide-transition-container { overflow: visible !important; } @page { size: A4 landscape; max-height: 99%; max-width: 99%; } .slide-container, .slide-contai... Expand