Written reflections or responses can encourage learners to think deeply about a topic and consider how it applies to them. And they’re easy to include in a Storyline 360 course by simply adding a data entry input field. But what if you want to add a free-response question to a Rise 360 course? And what if you want to give learners a simple way to save or print their responses?

Not to worry! This Storyline 360 download has you covered. With a little help from two text variables and the included JavaScript, learners can print their response or save it as a PDF with just the click of a button.

Explore how this project looks as a Storyline slide.


And if you want to add a reflection activity to your Rise 360 course, just update the template with your own content in Storyline 360. Then use the Storyline Block to seamlessly bring it into your own Rise 360 courses.

Explore how this project looks when included in a Rise 360 course.


Just remember these two things when using this template in your projects:

  • New question text: Update the default value of the Q1TextEntry variable with your new question text so it’s updated in both the PDF and the printed copy.
  • Multiple copies of the template in a single course: For the print/PDF option to work properly, each slide needs its own unique question and response variables. So if you want to include several printable responses in one Storyline course, you need to make a few quick adjustments to each new one you add. Rename the two text entry variables on the free-response slide. Then apply those variable name changes in the slide JavaScript as well.

This template will work for folks using Storyline 360, the continuously updated version of Storyline included in Articulate 360. Want to try it out? Get a free trial of Articulate 360 right here.

John Pinkster
N. M.
Bianca Woods

Hi Nia, I was able to check out the original Reviewlink you shared. It's tough to say without looking at the Storyline file and the exact updates to the JavaScript you made, but I wonder if some of the issue here may be in shifting to use a single print button collecting the answers to all six questions instead of one print button per screen? In the original template, the print button was included on each slide and the JavaScript associated with it was designed to print the title and content of the slide the button was on. So if you wanted to include multiple copies of this slide in a course and use the JavaScript as is, you'd need to have a print button on each slide that would then print each response separately. Consolidating all the questions and responses together on a single pr... Expand

Beth Barber
John Pinkster
Leslie McDowell
John Pinkster

Wow, I thought we had tested it on all devices...so if nothing has changed on Articulate's side, this got overlooked. Thanks for bringing it to our attention! I pulled my coding expert back in to help out and we have updated Javascript for the Storyline element: var questionTitleVar = 'Q1TextEntry'; var styles = ` #printHelper, #printHelperTitle { display: none; } @media print { body { width: 100% !important; height: auto !important; position: relative !important; } html { height: auto !important; } body * { display: none; } #printHelper, #printHelperTitle { display: block; overflow: visible; white... Expand

John Pinkster
John Pinkster
THG Digital