Publish your course to Review 360 to collect feedback from stakeholders. It’s a great way to collaborate on a project before distributing the finalized course to learners.

  1. Publish a New Item or Update an Existing Item
  2. Back Up Your Project File
  3. Change the Course Thumbnail Image
  4. Adjust the Player Properties and Quality Settings
  5. Publish a Slide, a Scene, or the Entire Course
  6. Choose a Tracking Option
  7. Publish
  8. Distribute Your Published Course

Step 1: Publish a New Item or Update an Existing Item

  1. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon and click Publish.
  2. When the Publish window appears, select the Review 360 tab on the left.
  3. Choose to publish a new item or update an existing item:
    • Create a new item: Mark this option to publish a brand new content item to Review 360, then give it a title. (If you have a title placeholder on the first slide, the course title defaults to the text entered in that title placeholder. If you don’t have a title placeholder on the first slide, the course title defaults to the name of your project file. You can change the title of your published course here without affecting the name of your project file or the title placeholder on the first slide.) Note that the title on the player will display up to 80 characters.
    • Publish a new version of an existing item: Mark this option to update an existing content item located in your personal or team folder in Review 360, then select the item you want to update. (Review 360 keeps track of version history, so you can always view previously-published versions of the content item.)
    • Publish locally for manual upload: Mark this option to publish a content item on your local computer for manual upload to Review 360, then choose where you want to publish it—for example, your desktop.

Step 2: Back Up Your Project File (Optional)

You can upload your Storyline 360 project file to Review 360 so you can access it from anywhere and share it with team members. To include the source file, check the Upload project file to Review 360 box.

Step 3: Change the Course Thumbnail Image (Optional)

By default, Storyline 360 uses an image of the first slide in your course as the thumbnail image on your Review 360 home page, but you can choose a different image.

  1. Temporarily switch to the Web tab on the left side of the Publish window.
  2. Click the ellipsis button (...) beside the Title field to open the Project Info window.
  3. Click the hyperlinked text below the default image, then select a different slide in your course or click Picture from File to choose an image on your hard drive.
  4. Click OK to close the Project Info window.
  5. Switch back to the Review 360 tab on the left side of the Publish window to finish the publishing process.

Step 4: Adjust the Player Properties and Quality Settings

Use the Properties section of the Publish window to make last-minute changes to your course player and quality settings.

  1. The Player property shows the name of the player currently assigned to your project. (The player is the frame around your slide content.) To make adjustments to your player, click the player name to open the player editor.
  2. The Quality property lets you choose adaptive or static video quality and control the compression settings for audio clips, static videos, and JPG images. The quality settings default to whatever you used the last time you published a course. To change them, click the Quality property, make your adjustments, and click OK.
    • There are now two video quality options. Select Adaptive to automatically adjust the video quality (high, medium, or low) to the learner’s internet speed and prevent buffering. Learn more. Choose Static to deliver videos with the same quality to all learners, which could cause buffering. Drag the Static slider to change the video compression.

      Note that higher values give you higher-quality output but also larger file sizes (which means longer download times for learners with slow connections). Lower values give you smaller file sizes and faster download times, but the quality will be lower as well.
    • Drag the Audio Quality slider to adjust the compression settings Storyline 360 uses for audio.
    • Mark the Optimize audio volume box to normalize audio throughout your course for consistent volume across all slides.

      Tip: If your course audio already has consistent volume, you can speed up the publishing process by unchecking this option.
    • Drag the JPG Quality slider to adjust the compression settings Storyline 360 uses for JPG images.
    • Click Reset to standard optimization to use the default settings: adaptive video quality, audio bitrate of 56 kbps, and JPG image quality of 100%.

Step 5: Publish a Slide, a Scene, or the Entire Course

By default, Storyline 360 will publish your entire course. However, you can now choose to publish a specific scene from your course or even just a single slide. This is especially helpful when you want to collect feedback from reviewers on a particular scene or slide.

Just click the Publish property, then choose the entire project, a single scene, or a single slide.

Step 6: Choose a Tracking Option

If you insert your Storyline 360 project into a Rise 360 course as a Storyline block (see below), you get to choose how to track completion of the Storyline block. Click the Tracking property, then select one, two, or even all three of the following tracking options. Whichever option a learner completes first is the one that Rise 360 uses to mark the Storyline block complete. Learn more about tracking multiple completion criteria.

  • When the learner has viewed # slides: Mark this option to trigger completion when learners view a certain number of slides. You can choose a percentage or a fixed number. Then decide which slides get counted—all slides or just those with slide numbers. Learn more about tracking slides viewed.
  • When the learner completes a quiz: Mark this option to track learners based on their quiz results. You can let Storyline 360 keep track of multiple quizzes and send results to your LMS/LRS for the first quiz each learner completes. Learn more about tracking quizzes. (This option will be grayed-out if your course doesn’t have any result slides.)
  • Using triggers: Mark this option to track learners based on course completion triggers you added to your course. (This option is grayed-out if your course doesnt have any completion triggers.)

    Publish window in Storyline 360.

Storyline Blocks in Rise 360

If you plan to insert your published course into a Storyline block in Rise 360, the tracking option determines how your course interacts with Rise 360. You can use the tracking option to require learners to complete the Storyline block before moving on with a Rise 360 course, and you can use it to track completion of a Rise 360 course in your LMS.

Tip: Add an image to your Storyline 360 course start page for a more seamless integration with Rise 360. Here’s how.

Step 7: Publish

When you’re finished making selections, click the Publish button.

Your content gets published and uploaded to Review 360 all at once. How fast this happens depends on the size of your course and your internet speed.

When the Publish Successful window appears, you’ll see two follow-up options. 

  • View Project: This opens the course you just published to Review 360 in your default browser.
  • Copy Link: This copies the shareable link of your published course in Review 360 to your clipboard.

Publishing Tips

If a firewall blocks you from publishing directly to Review 360 or you need to customize the published output first, you can publish your Storyline 360 course on your local computer and then manually upload it to Review 360. Visit this user guide to learn more.

Review 360 has a maximum size limit of 5 GB per project. If you’d like to check the size of your course, simply publish it on your local computer (see the link above) and then check the file size of the generated zipped package.

Review 360 comments are tied to specific slides. Comments for deleted slides display below a "Scene not found" section in the feedback tab.

Step 8: Distribute Your Published Course

In the Publish Successful window, you can copy the shareable link to your published course and then send it to your viewers. Or, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser to your Review 360 home page and click your course to open it.
  2. Click Share in the upper right corner.
  3. If you want to password-protect your course, mark the box to Set a password and enter a password in the field provided.
  4. Copy the shareable link, then send it to your viewers. Be sure to give them the password, too, if you added one.

If you don’t want viewers to post comments on your course, click the ellipsis (...) button in the upper right corner and choose Disable comments.

Learn more about using Review 360.