Betsy Nordby
Betsy Nordby
Betsy Nordby started a new discussion adding images to articlulate reply
"I have done the tutorials, etc.  What replay is not allowing me to do is to move images on the track at all.  They end up at the end but ..."
  • over 8 years ago10/07/15 at 3:40 pm (UTC)
Betsy Nordby started a new discussion audio help
"I have four layers in addition to the base side.  Each slide is narrated.  I do not know how to get the audio to not play on the based sl..."
  • over 8 years ago09/24/15 at 6:51 pm (UTC)
Betsy Nordby started a new discussion audio with media
"hello, I am trying to get audio triggered to start when a video is clicked....not working.  I do create video with music outside of Story..."
  • over 8 years ago09/09/15 at 4:44 pm (UTC)
Betsy Nordby started a new discussion Error message - anyone every get this?
"I try and try to open one certain storyline project and the message I get it "the project 'storyline' is blocked by another process" - help!"
  • almost 9 years ago08/27/15 at 5:05 pm (UTC)
Betsy Nordby started a new discussion story line in use error message - help!
"I try and try to open one certain storyline project and the message I get it "the project 'storyline' is blocked by another process" - help!"
  • almost 9 years ago08/27/15 at 4:01 pm (UTC)