Dave Fullen
Dave Fullen
Developer at create.produce:media, LLC
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"Thanks Lauren - I've submitted a claim and I'm working with Eloisa to resolve it. Dave [logo] Dave Fullen create.produce:media, LLC ..."
  • almost 5 years ago10/09/19 at 3:00 pm (UTC)
"I'm having a similar issue, although I don't believe it's related to color: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/4886747c-acd4-..."
  • almost 5 years ago10/08/19 at 5:36 pm (UTC)
"This last piece of advice just saved my butt. I inadvertantly deleted the master of a project (no idea how) and I was looking at some maj..."
  • 6 years ago06/28/18 at 5:44 pm (UTC)
"Steve - can I just add the "alwaysRaised=true" parameter to the HTML of the Open URL/File trigger to get the window to open infront?"
  • over 9 years ago03/12/15 at 5:34 pm (UTC)
"The client’s IT guy doesn’t have access to the Security settings and the PC doesn’t have a true desktop so an EXE version won’t work eith..."
  • over 9 years ago03/11/15 at 1:52 pm (UTC)
"I had a hunch the change to sl2 was the difference. Thank you for figuring that out. The problem is The buttons with JavaScript aren't fu..."
  • over 9 years ago03/11/15 at 2:42 am (UTC)
"Hi Steve - It's IE8 over a network on a windows machine (no internet connection). The window being already open is a possible scenario, b..."
  • over 9 years ago03/10/15 at 10:47 pm (UTC)
Dave Fullen started a new discussion Jump to URL/file new window opens behind in IE
"I'm developing a course where a user will receive one of six certificates depending on the results of a quiz and their role in the compan..."
  • over 9 years ago03/10/15 at 12:35 pm (UTC)
Dave Fullen replied to the discussion Storyline Developer
"Hi Ken - what's the best way to reach you privately?"
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 5:17 am (UTC)