Laura Fletcher
Laura Fletcher
CA Technologies
Laura Fletcher started a new discussion Organizing Courses
"Is there a way to organize all lessons associated with a specific course into one folder? For example, on the "My Courses" page, I curren..."
  • 7 years ago05/12/17 at 1:20 pm (UTC)
Laura Fletcher replied to the discussion New Rise feature: Custom Text Labels
"Is there a way to remove "# of #" under the Lesson Global labels?"
  • 7 years ago05/10/17 at 6:23 pm (UTC)
Laura Fletcher started a new discussion Lesson Global Label
"Is there a way to remove the numbers from the Lesson Global Label - "Lesson 1 of 10". For example: Next Title of next topic  "
  • 7 years ago05/10/17 at 3:49 pm (UTC)