Marcella Simon
Marcella Simon
Peralta Associates at President
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  • Fairfax, VA
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"Thanks everyone for your help! I am hitting one snag in this scenario and that is how to express the default for the text boxes in the t..."
  • over 9 years ago04/23/15 at 5:31 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Leslie! I am still playing around with this and everyone has been very helpful. My problem is still with the automatic default fo..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 10:38 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Ashley! I guess my difficulty lies in setting up the trigger conditions for the "not equals" default for the text box variabl..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 5:47 pm (UTC)
Marcella Simon replied to the discussion Showing text entered during course at end
"Thanks Leslie! I was searching for that information."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 3:21 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Greg! I understand the logic but I am stuck on setting the default for the variable since they don't seem to have them specified ..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 3:20 pm (UTC)
"I seem to be able to make it work for one text entry but not for multiple on the page."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 4:51 am (UTC)
"Thanks again Michael! I set up the FillBlank variable to set out as false and change to true when the user clicked the text box. The..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 1:33 am (UTC)
"Thanks Greg! I am not sure I understand completely but disabling and then normalizing the next button worked with conditions like dr..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 1:24 am (UTC)
"Thanks Michael! That way had worked with drag and drop but when I tried it with text entry, it did not work. I must be doing something w..."
  • over 9 years ago04/16/15 at 9:41 pm (UTC)
Marcella Simon replied to the discussion Navigation controls-objects AND timeline
"Thank you Michael! I have custom buttons. I followed your instructions, set up the variable and the triggers and it worked. Valuable info..."
  • over 10 years ago04/05/14 at 2:14 pm (UTC)