Marcella Simon
Marcella Simon
Peralta Associates at President
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  • Fairfax, VA
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"Thanks everyone for your help! I am hitting one snag in this scenario and that is how to express the default for the text boxes in the t..."
  • over 9 years ago04/23/15 at 5:31 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Leslie! I am still playing around with this and everyone has been very helpful. My problem is still with the automatic default fo..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 10:38 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Ashley! I guess my difficulty lies in setting up the trigger conditions for the "not equals" default for the text box variabl..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 5:47 pm (UTC)
Marcella Simon replied to the discussion Showing text entered during course at end
"Thanks Leslie! I was searching for that information."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 3:21 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Greg! I understand the logic but I am stuck on setting the default for the variable since they don't seem to have them specified ..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 3:20 pm (UTC)
"I seem to be able to make it work for one text entry but not for multiple on the page."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 4:51 am (UTC)
"Thanks again Michael! I set up the FillBlank variable to set out as false and change to true when the user clicked the text box. The..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 1:33 am (UTC)
"Thanks Greg! I am not sure I understand completely but disabling and then normalizing the next button worked with conditions like dr..."
  • over 9 years ago04/17/15 at 1:24 am (UTC)
"Thanks Michael! That way had worked with drag and drop but when I tried it with text entry, it did not work. I must be doing something w..."
  • over 9 years ago04/16/15 at 9:41 pm (UTC)
Marcella Simon started a new discussion Showing text entered during course at end
"Hello- I am having participants enter text into text entry boxes throughout the course. Is there any way for them to review what they en..."
  • over 9 years ago04/16/15 at 6:47 pm (UTC)
Marcella Simon started a new discussion Showing text entered during course at end
"Hello- I am having participants enter text into text entry boxes throughout the course. Is there any way for them to review what they en..."
  • over 9 years ago04/16/15 at 6:47 pm (UTC)
"Hello- I have been successful in disabling the player next button in drag and drop situations and in counter situations but I cannot figu..."
  • over 9 years ago04/16/15 at 6:41 pm (UTC)
Marcella Simon replied to the discussion Navigation controls-objects AND timeline
"Thank you Michael! I have custom buttons. I followed your instructions, set up the variable and the triggers and it worked. Valuable info..."
  • over 10 years ago04/05/14 at 2:14 pm (UTC)
Marcella Simon started a new discussion Navigation controls-objects AND timeline
"How do I create a condition where the navigation buttons become normal state only AFTER objects are clicked AND the timeline has ended? I..."
  • over 10 years ago04/05/14 at 6:34 am (UTC)
Marcella Simon started a new discussion Continue button/layer after quiz
"I added an object trigger to have the continue button after the quiz has been submitted jump to the next slide but it is not working in p..."
  • over 10 years ago03/25/14 at 7:37 am (UTC)
Marcella Simon started a new discussion Need help with side folder tabs in Storyline
"I am trying to design folder tabs for the right side in Storyline where they reveal the title when hover. I tried to change states but th..."
  • over 10 years ago03/25/14 at 7:32 am (UTC)