Mario Begaj
Mario Begaj
Mario Begaj replied to the discussion HTML Files causing issues
"Hey,  As this is to do with our content which we sell to our clients so i will not be attaching the file. my apologies. We believe that..."
  • almost 7 years ago07/12/17 at 9:45 am (UTC)
Mario Begaj replied to the discussion Unable to export word files
"Hi, it's not just 1 file it's them all, I've found a way to export a word file however it requires me to restart my PC after each file I ..."
  • over 8 years ago02/03/16 at 9:10 am (UTC)
Mario Begaj replied to the discussion Unable to export word files
"Hi Christie, I've followed the instructions and I still seem to have the same issue, it exported 1 file when articulate reinstalled and w..."
  • over 8 years ago02/02/16 at 3:57 pm (UTC)
Mario Begaj replied to the discussion Unable to export word files
"This is what i'm seeing when I try and export"
  • over 8 years ago01/28/16 at 9:19 am (UTC)