Michele Wiedemer
Michele Wiedemer
Customer Education Content Developer at Virtual Customer Learning
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  • Dallas, TX
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Michele Wiedemer replied to the discussion Storyline 2 Publishing
"I'm reporting that I had the same problem with publishing, so thanks for posting this. I tried the repair strategy and it did work."
  • over 5 years ago03/20/19 at 2:56 pm (UTC)
"No worries! Now I know the solution is to open the audio and play a little and save it. It's a pain, but it does as a work around."
  • 6 years ago07/16/18 at 10:33 pm (UTC)
"I've had the problem again, and was able to upload both the published file in which the problem is occurring for sure on slide 2 and 3 (I..."
  • 6 years ago07/16/18 at 4:11 pm (UTC)
"Here's something basic I did for some Excel training. http://mbw.portfolio.s3.amazonaws.com/Sample%20Drag%20and%20Drop%20for%20Order%20..."
  • 6 years ago06/22/18 at 11:03 pm (UTC)
"I actually had this happen on another project and tried to send it. I diverted my workflow just enough to load the project here, and just..."
  • 6 years ago06/15/18 at 5:34 pm (UTC)
"I haven't checked in with challenges in a while. But I was excited to see this one, because I'd already done an interaction (in Captivate..."
  • over 6 years ago02/12/18 at 4:20 pm (UTC)
"I've got this problem as well. I will go through and open all of the wrong audio, but in my case there are about 40 or 50 slides of a 187..."
  • over 6 years ago01/02/18 at 4:11 pm (UTC)
"For one of my clients, we ended up with a Sway presentation for customer onboarding training. Relying on Microsoft and OneDrive is not an..."
  • over 7 years ago12/20/16 at 1:55 am (UTC)
"Here is a sample software simulation I created. I wanted to test out the screen recording function and use as a "try me" interaction. I'..."
  • over 7 years ago11/18/16 at 5:25 pm (UTC)
Michele Wiedemer added the course Interactive Screenshot
"This prototype shows how you can quickly provide more information on an interactive screenshot."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 10:25 pm (UTC)
"I am new to Articulate, but not to eLearning. Here's my new profile: https://community.articulate.com/users/MicheleWiedemer And here's ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 8:31 pm (UTC)
Michele Wiedemer added the course Text Entry Interaction
"I created this interaction to learn how to use variables and conditional triggers."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 8:18 pm (UTC)
Michele Wiedemer added the course Customer Onboarding
"I created this prototype using my tab template and preexisting content to show possibilities for customer onboarding."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 8:16 pm (UTC)
Michele Wiedemer added the course Sample Tab Interaction
"I created this tab interaction to learn how to use triggers and layers."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 8:13 pm (UTC)
Michele Wiedemer added the course Quick Start Video
"This onboarding video prototype connects three videos in one onboarding overview."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 8:09 pm (UTC)