Nikki Lopez Crawford
Nikki Lopez Crawford
Nikki Lopez Crawford started a new discussion Home Button?
"New Rise user here. I came across the below example and would like to incorporate the "Home" button at the top of the lesson into my own ..."
  • 5 years ago03/06/19 at 2:30 pm (UTC)
Nikki Lopez Crawford started a new discussion Rolling Credits?
"I am looking to create a movie type rolling credits slide to wrap up my course. I considered using hidden text boxes with a fly in from t..."
  • over 5 years ago08/15/18 at 1:51 pm (UTC)
Nikki Lopez Crawford started a new discussion Storyline Player
"I want to add contact information for various agencies to the resource section of my course. The contact information typically includes t..."
  • almost 6 years ago05/11/18 at 3:02 pm (UTC)