Rob Verzera
Rob Verzera
CTO at Logic Swing
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  • Raleigh, NC
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"To the articulate staff.... Is there any type of time frame on a fix for this bug vs us having to do these "hacks" to make it work?"
  • over 11 years ago02/28/13 at 9:08 am (UTC)
"Richard Armitage said: Hi Rob, For the Flash version, open the story.html in notepad and story_html5 for the HTML5 version. Experiment ..."
  • over 11 years ago02/21/13 at 5:34 am (UTC)
"Hey richard - Can you explain what you did to test 2?  I understand setting the stage to 1200x900 but not sure where to set the scale? Ca..."
  • over 11 years ago02/20/13 at 10:40 am (UTC)
"Just curious if there has been any update to this issue at all? We are experiencing the same thing.   Peter Anderson said: Sorry about th..."
  • over 11 years ago02/19/13 at 3:07 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Image for Exit & Attachements tab - tb1.swf
"Quick question, I know that I can replace the tb1.swf file to change the image for the Exit and Attachments tab, but is there anyway I c..."
  • over 13 years ago04/06/11 at 1:47 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera replied to the discussion Articulate SWFs and absolute paths
"Brian, Thanks for the info. I will check it out."
  • over 13 years ago04/06/11 at 1:40 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera replied to the discussion NCAA Inspired Design
"Doug, Great work.  My only suggestion would be to add some "grunge" to the frame.  Its too clean in relation to the rest of the slide. B..."
  • over 13 years ago04/06/11 at 10:01 am (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Articulate SWFs and absolute paths
"Hello everyone. I'm sure that I am not the only one this has happened to, and am curious how others handle this. We have a directory stan..."
  • over 13 years ago04/06/11 at 9:19 am (UTC)