Rob Verzera
Rob Verzera
CTO at Logic Swing
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  • Raleigh, NC
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"Hello all, I have a course that has 45 slides in it.  Some of the slides are gated (they have to complete certain activities before they..."
  • over 5 years ago01/29/19 at 12:38 am (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion SL3 VS SL360 vs Articulate 360
"Hello all, and I apologize if this has been answered, I just have not seen it. I understand that SL3 is a pay one price, SL360 is subscr..."
  • over 6 years ago02/20/18 at 6:40 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Submit question - then return - fwd arrow not working
"Hello all, Here is kind of an odd situation. I have 2 scenes.  End of the first scene is a question, no next/prev button only a submit ..."
  • 8 years ago05/25/16 at 12:22 am (UTC)
"Hello all, Can someone tell me if there is a way to do this, or one of the following? We have a button that marks the course complete, ..."
  • over 8 years ago04/19/16 at 5:49 pm (UTC)
"Can anyone else tell me if they have run into this situation. I have a course, published for AICC. It has a graded quiz, but the compl..."
  • almost 9 years ago10/20/15 at 3:32 pm (UTC)
"Hello all, I'm curious how others are handling this situation. I have a course that has an introduction (10 slides), then a decision poin..."
  • almost 9 years ago09/08/15 at 7:58 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Issue with menu - common slide in 2 different branches
"Hello all. Im having a bit of an issue, and am hoping someone can help me out quick. I have a course that branches into 2 roles. Role ..."
  • 9 years ago07/03/15 at 6:57 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to check if all slides have been viewed?
"Hello all, I soliciting some advice on how best to handle this situation. I have a stand alone course (no LMS) w/ 40+ slides. Locking ..."
  • 9 years ago06/12/15 at 3:33 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Why do new layers have a different font style?
"Hello All - Can someone please help me, I'm sure its just a setting somewhere. In my Slide Master I created a Font Theme that has Arial ..."
  • 9 years ago06/10/15 at 6:47 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Adding an icon to a player menu item
"Hello - not sure if this is possible but- I have the course menu as an option in the top menu bar - instead of menu - Id like to display ..."
  • over 9 years ago03/18/15 at 7:26 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Passing things into storyline 2 and receiving them out
"Hello all, I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction here. I have a custom front end that users login to, along w/..."
  • over 9 years ago03/18/15 at 5:19 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to return a drag/drop item to its original place?
"Hello all, I have a free form drag/drop quiz that I made. I start w/ 5 items lined up on the left side, the user drags them to 1 of 10 ..."
  • over 9 years ago02/19/15 at 2:55 pm (UTC)
"Hello all, I have to assume that I'm missing this somewhere, but can someone please tell me how to change the color of the correct/incorr..."
  • over 9 years ago02/19/15 at 2:37 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Swivel Animation - Vertical ?
"Hello all, I'm hoping someone could give me some suggestions on how to accomplish this animation in Storyline. I have 3 valve handles (..."
  • over 9 years ago02/17/15 at 4:58 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to disable Submit until X choices are selected
"Hello all, Im not sure why this is now working, but I have a normal multi-answer question created in storyline 2 There are 7 answers, c..."
  • over 9 years ago02/09/15 at 6:58 pm (UTC)
"I am having some issues w/ things not looking the same on the stage vs when I publish something. Im using the latest version of Storylin..."
  • over 9 years ago01/22/15 at 5:11 pm (UTC)
"Hello everyone. I have a small 10 slide course  I created and then went back and was adding audio into it - I normally save after each s..."
  • over 9 years ago12/18/14 at 8:25 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Selected / Hover state - what about selected hover??
"Hello all - I have a question about the Selected and Hover states. I have an 4 images - as you move over each image - I have the hover st..."
  • over 9 years ago11/10/14 at 6:14 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Is there a way to make the timeline size automatically?
"Hello all, What I mean by the subject is if I click on insert video, select a video that is 120 seconds long, the timeline will automati..."
  • over 9 years ago11/06/14 at 9:12 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to make a custom checkbox state that is checked?
"Hello all, I have the need to have a custom state of a checkbox (call it answered). Its just like the selected state (its checked) but it..."
  • over 9 years ago11/03/14 at 7:34 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Is there a way to combine Motion Path & Zoom or Fade
"Hello All, Let me start by saying the Zoom Region effect will not work for what I'm trying to do. That being said, this is what I want t..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/29/14 at 11:27 am (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to simulate gears turning?
"Hello all, I have a slide I'm building that would work great if I could show gears turning. Has anyone done this before in Storyline (or ..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/25/14 at 8:25 am (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Button Display different on Stage vs Published
"I am still in my trial period of SL2 and noticed an issue with buttons displaying one way on the stage, then when published, they are dis..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/25/14 at 7:42 am (UTC)
"Hello all, I have an image that I use on each slide of a course. That image had to be modified, is there anyway to do a global update of..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/15/14 at 9:45 am (UTC)
"I have a feeling I already know the answer to this - but just want to see if anyone has a workaround for it. I have a course that has a ..."
  • almost 10 years ago09/08/14 at 7:49 am (UTC)