Ron Stanley
Ron Stanley
Ron Stanley replied to the discussion html tags not working in variables
"Okay, thanks."
  • 18 days ago05/15/24 at 4:56 pm (UTC)
Ron Stanley replied to the discussion html tags not working in variables
"Another issue is that in the Answers layer, in Preview mode, all of the text is showing as bold instead of just the heading "Activity:""
  • 18 days ago05/15/24 at 2:08 pm (UTC)
Ron Stanley replied to the discussion html tags not working in variables
"Yes, the sample document works on my computer, but when I try to implement the concept in my own project, it doesn't work. I've attached ..."
  • 18 days ago05/15/24 at 2:02 pm (UTC)
"I ran into a similar issue: audio was not playing the first time through, but if you used the scrubber bar, it would start playing correc..."
  • 1 month ago04/23/24 at 3:29 pm (UTC)
Ron Stanley replied to the discussion Import content into Rise 360
"Just wanted to check back in since it's been 2 years. Is there still no way to import legacy content, from a Word or XML file, into Rise,..."
  • almost 2 years ago08/22/22 at 5:53 pm (UTC)