Import content into Rise 360

Sep 29, 2020

Hi! We have a lot of content in a CCMS (DITA XML). I need to export that content and import into Rise 360. Can I import content into Rise 360? If so, what format(s) can I use for import? 



24 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Cynthia! 

It sounds like you have legacy course content that you want to import that content into Rise 360. 

While there isn't a way to import content directly into Rise 360, you can use Rise 360 to give your content a fresh, modern makeover. For example, check out how I converted a 3-slide PowerPoint presentation into a beautiful Rise 360 course in this discussion. Is that what you had in mind?

If you would prefer to keep your content intact and embed it in Rise 360, you can do that too! Simply host the content on a web server, then embed it in a lesson using a Multimedia Embed block.

Let me know what you think!

Chester Robinson

Hi Karl, many thanks for the response. I don't know kW is the honest answer. The training module is in Rise, and I want it imported into RISE 360. How can I tell what format it is in?
The training is a combination of video, images, quizzes and interactive text..... not sure this helps you though.
Kind regards , Chester

Robert Johnson


If Rise could identify, say, font size and create blocks based on font size (H2) headings, Lists be unordered or ordered, based on bullets, and text blocks based on text in a Word document, then there would be a significant reduction in the amount of cutting and pasting that is required to build a course. It would allow more time to be spent on creating dynamic content using the features available in RISE

Angelo Cruz

Hello Colin!

There isn't a way to import third-party training or Scorm packages into Rise 360. If the content was made in Rise 360 and you wish to continue its development, you'll need to request the author to send you a copy instead.

You can check out this article to learn more about How to Send a Copy of a Course to Other Authors.

I hope this helps!

Steven Benassi

Hi Karen!

Do you mind clarifying the format of the Rise course you'd like to import?

At the moment, Rise 360 doesn't support importing Word, PowerPoint, PDF, or XML files as courses. However, we are tracking a feature request for that ability. If your course was published to Web, and hosted on a web server, you can embed it into a new lesson using the Multimedia Embed Block.

Jose Tansengco

Hello Nicole, 

Thank you for reaching out!

Rise 360 courses are tied to the Articulate ID that was used to author the content. Since you will be switching jobs, you most likely will be changing email addresses and Articulate 360 subscriptions as well. If you get temporary access to your old account when you start your new job, you can simply send yourself a copy of all your Rise 360 courses

If your old account will be deactivated before you get access to the new account, please open a case with our support team here so we can help you with the content transfer.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Melanie, 

Happy to help!

Can you clarify what you mean by your company LMS only accepting Articulate uploads? Content created from Articulate 360 applications such as Rise 360 and Storyline 360 can be in LMS format as one of the available publishing options.

Are you getting error messages when uploading the published content to your company LMS? If so, we recommend uploading the content in a different LMS like SCORM Cloud to test if the behavior is specific to your LMS. 

Published SCORM packages cannot be imported back into any authoring tools so you'll need access to the original Rise 360 course created by your third-party vendor if you plan on making any changes or republishing the course.

Kara Hausamann


1. We edited a course in Rise 360 three years ago.  A contractor created the course for us, but shared a copy that we could edit and send to our contractor. The course no longer appears in our dashboard. Is there a way to retrieve it?

2. We do have the final SCORM files exported from Rise 360. Is there a way to import them back into Rise 360 to make new edits? (And then export them back out into SCORM packages, and relaunch the fresh version on LMS) Thanks.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Kara,

For the missing course, if the course went missing from your dashboard and you or your team has an active Articulate 360 subscription, please open a case with our support team here so we can help locate where the course went. 

If you don't have an active Articulate 360 subscription, content is deleted from our servers 6 months after a subscription expires which might help explain why the course is no longer available.

For the second item, published SCORM packages cannot be imported back into Rise 360. You'll need to track down the original Rise 360 course if you're planning on making any changes, and we'll be glad to help you with this!


Diane Western

Ditto on the feature request -- to import Word to RISE (or other formats).

(On another authoring tool built into a large LMS, I performed the import (and export) process via XML.  The internal XML styles residing onboard in the authoring tool could be edited.  The XML was mapped by default  using the style sheet info from Word (such as H1, H2, etc. and so forth).  I was the tech person exploring/testing/creating the process & templates.  We could edit the XML to a certain extent;. To streamline more:  I created macros (in Word via VBA)  to convert legacy Word docs styles into the needed styles required for the XML/import/export.  (There were hundreds of pre-existing ILT courses in Word docs, thus the importance of having an import feature, plus our streamlining the process via "cleaning up" the Word docs styles via macros -- to match the XML code in the authoring tool/LMS.) 

The import (and export) processes, once built, were very clean & saved enormous amounts of manual copy-and-paste time.  (Export was needed to output the updated ILT courses back to Word after edits in the authoring tool.)

All that being said, another vote -- for the hope that Articulate will create the capability to import content from Word.  (There are additional posts  in this forum asking for this feature, which are much older than this post.)