Any known issues with Microsoft SQL Server Version 2008 R2 ?

Feb 03, 2011

A client is upgrading from Microsoft SQL Server Version 2000 to Microsoft SQL Server Version 2008 R2.  Any known issues with people accessing the server and playing published Articulate presentations from the server?

9 Replies
Gabe Anderson

Well, Microsoft SQL Server is a database server, so it's most likely not going to be the server delivering your client's Articulate content. If they're using SQL Server as the database server, then they probably also have a Windows IIS server delivering the web content. The published Articulate content would likely reside on the web server, not on the database server. Is that correct?

If so, the only thing to look out for is if you're using any .FLV Flash videos in your Articulate content. If so, you may need to configure the IIS server to support the .FLV MIME type, as it's not configured by default on IIS:

FLV movies require FLV MIME type on server to play properly