Duplicate and amend an interaction

May 03, 2013


I want to copy a presentation with a number of engage interactions within in it.  I then want to be able to amend the copied version as its for a new presentation.  For example I want to copy the introduction to presentation 1 for presentation 2 and then add or delete parts of the presentation for presentation 2 only.  I then publish these on our training platform.

Can anyone please help.  I tried copying and pasting and just renaming the new presentation in a new location but it seems to make the changes to both presentations.

Thanks in advance.


5 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lisa,

You'll probably want to do the same thing with your interactions. If your new one is still linking to the original Engage files, it will still show the content from those interactions. 

Open the interactions in Engage and use "Save As" to save the interaction(s) as a new file. You can then insert them into your new presentation, make any modifications you'd like, and they should update properly. 

Let me know if you still have any trouble with this.

Thanks! :)

Lisa Graham

Hi Christine

Thank you for this.  I am new to this and still a bit confused.  I opened my presentation and did save as and gave it a new name, in a different location.  How can i tell where the engae is pointing to when i open it?

I cannot se how to open the interaction and do "save as".  I must be doing something wrong.

Thanks again for your time.


Christine Hendrickson

Good morning Lisa!

You'll want to open the Engage interaction from Engage itself, sounds like you may be trying to launch it through Presenter, but I'm not sure.

Find one of the original interaction files, outside of Presenter, in your original save location. It'll show as an "Articulate Engage Interaction" file type:

Double-click that file and it should launch in Engage. From within Engage, click on the Articulate Menu in the upper left-hand corner of the window. Choose "Save As" and save your new file in a new location and with a new name.

Once you've saved the Engage interaction in a new folder location and with a new name, you can now modify or update the interaction. When you're finished, you can insert the new version of the interaction in your second presentation, or use it again in another presentation. 

If you have any trouble with this, just let me know.


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