Early Completion, Number of Slides Viewed

Mar 17, 2015

Hi All,

We currently set our courses at 80% or 90% of slides viewed for completion. This works well with the various LMS's so we don't have periodic completion problems (something that does happen w/ many LMS's if we set the courses at 100% of slides viewed.) The problem is that the completion email in most of these LMS's gets sent as soon as completion takes place; therefore, the learner is getting a "congratulations" email in even before they have finished the course. There is nothing on the LMS side to remedy this. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to remedy this on the Articulate Studio side of things.

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Keith,

There isn't anything that you could change within Studio, as the email is being generated by the LMS. If you're including a quiz you could set it to track completion by the completion of the quiz - even a simple "yes I have finished the course" type question, and then you'll need the results slide as well. 

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