Engage interaction not running on certain machines

Jul 25, 2012

Hi there

I have published several courses in Presenter which include Engage interactions. These have been uploaded via FTP client to the host site and I can browse to them and on some workstatsions, everything runs fine.

The presentation runs, when I get to an Engage interaction tab, the interaction opens and I can navigate through the interaction.

However, when I access the presentations from other machines, the Presentation will load fine and all the non-Engage tabs work fine. However, when I browse to a tab with an Engage interaction, the interaction screen loads and displays the Introduction message, but from there the slide just stops. I cannot navigate through the Engage interaction all I can do is navigate aways from the slide completely.

I am not sure whether it is a red herring or not, but the Engage interaction all ran fine on an IE8 client, but not on an IE9 client. However, the interaction still did not work even when I set the IE9 client to run in IE8 mode.

If anyone can shed some light that would be great.

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